The skin of Moses' face shone because he had been talking with God. -Exodus 34:29

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Break Fast Time

Well, just to report the results of my wonderful juice fast, I fasted for a full 10 days, including the last two days in a hurricane.  I juiced a whole bunch of vegetables and fruits before the storm in case I lost power.  I had a pitcher of red juice (beets, carrots, celery, hot peppers and apples), a pitcher of yellow juice (peach, mango, pear and celery) and a giant pitcher of bright green juice (chard, kale, parsley, celery, lemon, ginger, peaches and cucumbers)  These juices lasted for the whole last two days of the fast.  Those days were very relaxing because I didn't have to do any juicing, and all I could do was rest, since Hurricane Irene raging outside.  It turns out that being still, quiet and restful at the end of a fast only brings a deeper awareness of your body and the changes that fasting is bringing.  The fast really sunk in during the hurricane - I recognized both my hunger and my fullness, the changes in my body, the new energy I felt and my gratitude very strongly as the fast came to an end. 

The reason I haven't written this post before is that I was waiting for my internet to be restored after the storm.  I broke the fast last Tuesday at lunch with some beautiful fresh salads at lunch and dinner, and then the next day, I had a soup with beans and pesto in it.  My awareness and appreciation of what I'm eating is still very high almost a week later.  I have not fallen into sloppy eating habits again - at least not yet.  I feel my relationship with food has changed and it is my prayer that I can actively maintain this new relationship rather than fall into my old, mindless (and pretty un-grateful) habits.

My clothes now fit comfortably again and I lost 12 pounds over the course of my fast.  I feel well and strong, in control of my food choices and free of illogical cravings. 

Most of all, I feel very grateful for having so much good, healthy food and clean water available to me.  I hope the experience of fasting will keep me in that place of gratefulness so that I remember not to take these amazing gifts for granted.

And I think I will do it again!  I hope you will give it a try sometime, too.  Advent or Lent are natural times to do some fasting, but anytime is a good time to get in touch with the gift of food and your relationship to it.  Let me know if I can be of help.

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