The skin of Moses' face shone because he had been talking with God. -Exodus 34:29

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Lenten Reflection 3/5


There's a top story in the NY Times this morning about a recent drone strike in Pakistan.  The U.S. is denying that this strike, which occurred in February, was carried out by the U.S. military.  The suggestion is that Pakistan itself committed the strike, which killed up to 9 people including two senior commanders of Al Qaeda.  American officials conjecture that the Pakistanis are blaming the CIA to avoid criticism from the Pakistani public.  Either way, when it comes to drone strikes, there's something shady going on that involves secrecy, power and killing.

I'm going to admit that secret drone strikes are something in the news that I simply don't like to think about.  This kind of targeted assassination seems unreal and, to me, unbelievable.  It just doesn't compute in my mind that our country participates in such things.  So I admit that I put reports about drone strikes into their own untouched folder in a back corner of my mind.  Such things just don't seem congruent with the world and the society I think I live in.  But whenever I hear news about this "new kind of war" it is always a reminder to me that there is a dark underbelly to our world and to our nation.  And I know there's also a dark underbelly in each of us.  This stark reality is hard to face.

Jeremiah wanted his listeners to start listening to stark reality.  Jeremiah recounts long lists of examples of the people's refusal to listen to God's decrees and to live in God's righteousness.  He repeatedly points out that the people are not living a life congruent with their covenant with God and that while they continued to declare that they were God's chosen people they were not acting like God's chosen people.  He warns them that this will not end up well.  He wants them to face their own dark underbellies.

This morning I'm realizing that I hear quite regularly about our acts of targeted attack with drones and special forces in the news.  But I realize how few voices like Jeremiah's I hear.  Few seem to be speaking out about it.  Do we all really think this kind of government sponsored killing is ok?  Do others, like me, just shove this news into the dark recesses of our underbellies and ignore it?  All's fair in war, I've heard, and I've also got to admit that I know practically nothing about the realities of war.  But I've got to wonder - is this really a war?  Or is it some other kind of policing?  My gut tells me something is amiss and it makes me wonder: Are we living a life congruent with our most basic beliefs when we participate in and condone such things?

Today's readings:  Jer. 7:21-34; Rom. 4:13-25; John 7:37-52
Elsa is praying the daily readings and praying the news and blogging about it on the weekdays of Lent.
She is reading The Message translation this year.

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