"Heartbeat" - a group of Palestinian and Israeli Youth musicians about to tour the U.S. |
According to an article by Osseily Hanna on the Huffington Post, 2008, "Aaron Schneyer, a 29 year old musician originally from Washington DC, received a grant from MTV, as well as a Fullbright scholarship, to go to Israel and create peace programs with Israeli and Palestinian youth from Israel, East Jerusalem and the West Bank. Shortly afterwards, Heartbeat was born to not only teach
young musicians how to make music and perform, but to coexist
respectfully among one another: 'The status quo is separation, hatred
and violence. And those three things go hand in hand. The only way to
overcome the injustice, violence, and the hatred is to overcome the
These young musicians have found common ground in their music - and in their lives - through the Heartbeat program. One member of the group is quoted, "I really see that there's no big difference between us. We [Heartbeat
band members] are the same, and we have this connection that is really
powerful, that can give the message to everyone else." The group started in the Jerusalem area, but because youth in surrounding areas are interested in taking part, the group is now also holding workshops in Haifa. Tonight, they begin their first two week US Tour of east coast universities where they'll play music and hold workshops on their peace work (they're scheduled to play at Yale on March 3).
In the gospel this morning, Jesus says that everyone who makes a practice of doing evil and who is addicted to denial and illusion hates God-light and won't come near it to avoid being exposed. But anyone working and living in truth and reality welcomes God-light so the work can be seen for the God-work it is.
In Jerusalem, bombings and displays of military force keep people from coming out of their homes, keep them from trusting one another and create an atmosphere of suspicion and fear. It's a culture of back room strategies, espionage and violence. But here are some young people who want to walk away from that darkness and into the light. They play out on street corners and in public squares, proclaiming God-light instead of darkness. And more and more youth want to take part and share the light with others.
I've been blogging on the daily readings and praying the news as a Lenten practice, so I've had a strong daily dose of how the news is almost all about our darkness. So when you happen to see a ray of light, it really glows brightly. Who wants to go with me up to New Haven on the 3rd?
Elsa is reading The Message translation this year.
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