Here they are, in all their glory - my square foot gardening beds. I've been dreaming of making gardens this way for a long time, and I'm very excited that after a lot of heavy prep work, they've actually materialized on my lawn and are all ready to plant. The only thing left to do, besides planting the seeds and seedlings themselves, is to make some wire cages to protect the seeds and seedlings from squirrels, birds and deer.
Look at them - all neat and orderly and ready for duty. There is a lot of potential in this small space. Using this intensive system, I could get lots and lots of fresh vegetables out of these gardens - potentially all our vegetables for the summer. But I am also well aware of what could go wrong. In fact, my sermon on Sunday included a lot about this garden and what it means to have hope. (that sermon is here.)
So I'm not putting my hopes just in the potential of this garden. My hopes are already soaring in joy just in just having these empty beds in my yard. I think there is the potential for much more than vegetables for me in tending this garden, and I am really looking forward to the whole process as it unfolds.
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