The skin of Moses' face shone because he had been talking with God. -Exodus 34:29

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Showing Up

I am feeling grateful today for friends. Here's a picture of the clergy colleagues I meet for breakfast every other week at the Bluebird. We're a fun bunch, despite all the collars. Working as a priest is a pretty intense vocation, and it's very people oriented and can be emotionally exhausting at times. My friends and I know we need to spend time with each other to decompress. The waitress at the Bluebird could tell you how loudly we laugh! We also know we need to spend time with each other for support. When we go through tough things in our parishes or in our lives, we give each other the attention and support we need. Who pastors the pastor? Other pastors! We all know that connecting with each other is part of what keeps us well. Sometimes my life seems too busy to take time out for breakfast, but I show up anyway. I know I really have to - for myself and for my friends. Friendship is what fills our tanks and our lives use a lot of fuel.

It has struck me lately just how important showing up is. Last night I went to my friend Donna's celebration of new ministry in Woodbury and helped her with the service. I loved being there for her and I know she really appreciated the presence of her friends and colleagues on such a momentous occasion in her life. I have also become very committed to showing up at my Al Anon and step meetings. Lord knows the presence of my new friends at those meetings has become an important part of my well being, and I'd like to think that my faithful presence at the meetings makes a difference to them, too. Lately, I've become newly conscious of where I choose to show up and where I don't. Maybe my new awareness began a few weeks ago, when I showed up at the funeral of my cousin, who I was not close to and hadn't known well. It was Holy Week, and I certainly had other things to do, but when each distant relative I hadn't seen in years said "Thank you so much for coming," I knew they really meant it. They were grateful I took the time to show up and be there with my cousins at that important moment.

Just showing up is a very powerful thing in this life. There are only so many hours in a day and I have to accept that I can't be everywhere. So I want to be as intentional as possible in choosing to be in those places I think it's really most important for my feet to be. I know everyone has to make such choices in life, so that's why today I'm so grateful my friends and I choose to show up for each other.

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