The three kings arrived in our creche at church this morning. And I am looking forward to using those kings as my mentors in 2011. Why? A few reasons:
1. They noticed the world around them and noticed things they wouldn't have expected.
It's easy to just go through life assuming things are the way I think they are. But if I can be like those wise kings, I will keep my eyes and my mind open to things I'm not expecting. In their case, it was a star that did not conform to any of their charts or expectations. I have no idea what surprises I'm in for this year, but I hope I'll welcome them with as much openness and curiosity as the kings had.
2. They were willing to go a long way to find what they were looking for.
Sometimes I can put things on a back burner when they might take a lot of effort or seem incovenient for me. But if its something that really needs doing, I need to pack up my camel and get going. When the kings knew something important was happening, they packed up and went across whole continents to reach their goal.
3. They followed.
The kings did not know where that unusual star would lead them. They only knew that they were being led to something important. Sometimes I don't move until I know where I'll end up. This year, I'll try to start my day like those kings - asking for direction and then following. I want to spend my days with eyes, ears, heart and mind open to follow God's call.
4. They were willing to change direction
Sometimes I can get a goal in mind and force my way forward toward it in the way that seems best to me. But the kings didn't do that. They listened, discerned and just followed the star where it led, even though it might not have made sense to their educated brains and even thought they had no idea where they'd end up. And they were also open to the need to go home by a different way than they'd come. They were not stubborn about the right way to do things and were willing to change course.
5. They were generous
The kings gave of their gifts and resources lavishly to Christ. A little baby born to a poor couple in a stable. God, I just want to at least remember to buy cereal for the food pantry every week. And I want to be a really good sharer.
At our church we each get a gift from the three kings - a special word or phrase for the year. My phrase was "being childlike." I took this to mean having a beginner's mind. And I wonder if that's the very thing I admire in these three kings so much - a very wise openness to the new and unexpected things God is always doing and a willingness to respond by following along with trust. I pray I really take this special gift to heart in 2011.